Collaboration Settings

Collaboration Settings

You can collaborate with your team in myEV in several ways.

Farm Collaborators

To add a collaborator, first make sure that the user(s) you would like to invite to your farm have created myEV accounts and that you have the email address(es) associated with their accounts. Then, navigate to your farm details drawer by clicking the name of your farm in the upper-left of your map. From there, click on ‘Collaborators’.

Enter one email address at a time into the ‘Enter email address’ field and click ‘Invite’. If the email address is registered to a myEV account, the user will be added to your farm as a collaborator with the ‘Read-only’ permission level.

Within the Farm Collaborators drawer, you can adjust collaborator permission levels by selecting options from the drop-downs next to each user email address and clicking ‘Save Permissions’.

Permission Levels









View farm details

View blocks

View datasets

Edit datasets

Use collectors

Use plugins

Edit farm settings

Manage collaborators

Organize datasets

Delete datasets

Delete collectors

Create datasets

Create collectors

Dataset and Collector Permissions

You can assign users ‘Editor’ permissions on individual datasets and collectors. First, ensure that users are added to your farm with the ‘Read-only’ permission selected using the instructions above.

For Dataset Permissions

Launch the dataset you want to grant editor permission to and click on the ‘Dataset Editors’ tab.

In here, you will see all of the ‘Read-only’ users on your farm. Select the users you wish to grant access to this dataset and click ‘Save Editors’.

For Collector Permissions

Open the data collectors drawer by clicking the green clipboard button in the lower-right of your map. Once opened, click the yellow wrench button at the top of the data collectors drawer and click ‘Edit’ on the collector you wish to grant access to.

Within here, you will notice a ‘Collector Permissions’ section with ‘Read-only’ users from your farm listed. Select the users you with to grant access to this collector and click ‘Save’.