Setting Up Your TrailHUB Trail Manager Account

Setting Up Your TrailHUB Trail Manager Account

Our new TrailHUB platform is a major update from the previous version! If you are transitioning from our previous platform, please keep in mind that while several concepts have changed, the core purpose of the platform remains the same - provide users of your trail systems with official trail status pages and maps.

We are actively developing and improving TrailHUB and welcome feedback.

All new members will receive a 30-Day free trial when activating a new account.

To get started with TrailHUB:

  1. Create an account if you have not already done so. This will be your main account and trail system that you manage your subscription through. Multiple trail systems can be created within this account.

  2. Start adding your trails via the Trails Menu.

  3. Place Points of Interest around your Trail Map to visibly mark notable areas around your Trail System.

  4. Post notices, surface conditions and snow reports to your trail system.

  5. Add trustees to help manage your accounts. All trustees will need to create a new trail manger account in the new platform and then be invited to your trail system.

  6. Easily copy code from your trail system to embed or share across digital media.

  7. Add additional trail systems to your account by clicking 'My Trail Systems' within the 'User Settings' Menu.

  8. Subscribe to a plan that best fits your needs through the ‘Billing Preferences’ tab.



  1. Our new platform is map driven. In order for distance to appear on the Trail Cards for your trails you will need to upload or create trail map files to attach to any trails that currently do not have map files. Click here for more information.

  2. Easily hide a Trail System from public view if you are managing seasonal trail systems and/or are working on developing a trail system that you are not ready to go live with

  3. Learn more about managing your Trail System Details.

  4. Currently, we are not supporting a traditional phone app, however one is in development and will be available soon. For now, our current phone app is installed directly from the TrailHUB website.

  5. View membership levels and learn how to manage your subscriptions or subscribe to a plan that best fits your organizational needs through your ‘Billing Preferences’ tab. All new members will receive a 30-Day free trial when activating a new account.

  6. Review information regarding public user accounts and notifications for public users